# $Id: Portfile,v 1.21 2005/06/06 08:01:53 toby Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name adium version 0.81 categories aqua net maintainers toby@opendarwin.org description a multiple protocol instant messaging client long_description \ A multiple protocol instant messaging client. This is a \ culmination of a year long rewrite of Adium, which now \ utilizes libgaim (the core part of gaim) to connect to \ multiple protocols, and is also based on a new plugin \ architecture. Partial address book integration, cool \ looking tabs, multiple protocols for instant messaging, \ and a compact contact list are some of the many \ features of the new Adium. master_sites http://puzzle.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/adium/ sourceforge distname AdiumX_Source_${version} extract.suffix .tgz checksums md5 77d8fb076b2c8d6479380ed6c861a2dc worksrcdir adium-${version} configure {} build.type pbx build.target -project Adium.xcode -target Adium build.args -buildstyle Deployment destroot { set appPath ${destroot}/Applications/DarwinPorts file mkdir ${appPath} file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/Adium.app ${appPath} }