# $Id: Portfile,v 1.9 2005/09/12 14:48:43 olegb Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name gnome-themes version 2.12.0 description A collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2 designed \ for accessibility. long_description New package of default themes for GNOME, \ which currently includes GTK+ and icon \ themes designed for accessibility. maintainers gnome-darwinports@opendarwin.org categories gnome platforms darwin homepage http://www.gnome.org/ master_sites gnome:sources/gnome-themes/2.12/ checksums rmd160 b518450b6bae71a1c6f454d1df83c6d4266de5e1 depends_lib bin:perl:perl5.8 # Should be depends_extract, but that isn't implemented depends_build bin:gnutar:gnutar use_bzip2 yes extract.post_args |gnutar -xf - configure.args --enable-all-themes configure.env CPPFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib -I${prefix}/include"