# $Id: Portfile,v 1.3 2005/06/14 03:07:36 blb Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name pgplot version 5.2.2 revision 2 categories graphics devel maintainers darwinports@opendarwin.org description C/Fortran graphics library long_description \ The PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library is a Fortran- or C-callable, \ device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific \ graphs. It is intended for making graphical images of publication \ quality with minimum effort on the part of the user. For most \ applications, the program can be device-independent, and the output can \ be directed to the appropriate device at run time. platforms darwin homepage http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/pgplot/ master_sites ftp://ftp.astro.caltech.edu/pub/pgplot/ distname ${name}5.2 worksrcdir ${name}/build checksums md5 e8a6e8d0d5ef9d1709dfb567724525ae depends_lib lib:libpng:libpng lib:libz:zlib bin:g77-dp-3.4:gcc34 patchfiles patch-makemake patch-src_grgfil.f patch-drivers.list \ patch-pgdispd_proccom.c post-extract { file mkdir ${worksrcpath} } pre-patch { file copy ${worksrcpath}/../drivers.list ${worksrcpath}/drivers.list } post-patch { reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/../src/grgfil.f } configure { cd ${worksrcpath} system "../makemake .. ${ppMakeMakeTarget}" } build.target all post-build { cd ${worksrcpath} system "make cpg" } destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/${name} \ ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} grfont.dat rgb.txt \ ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} libpgplot.a libcpgplot.a \ ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib system "ranlib ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/libpgplot.a \ ${destroot}/${prefix}/lib/libcpgplot.a" xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} cpgplot.h ${destroot}/${prefix}/include xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} pgplot.doc ../copyright.notice \ ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/doc/${name} if {[variant_isset x11]} { xinstall -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath} pgdisp pgxwin_server \ ${destroot}/${prefix}/bin } } variant x11 { depends_lib-append lib:libX11:XFree86 patchfiles-append patch-drivers_x11.list } variant darwin { global ppMakeMakeTarget set ppMakeMakeTarget darwin patchfiles-append patch-sys_darwin_aaaread.me \ patch-sys_darwin_g77_gcc.conf post-patch { reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/../sys_darwin/g77_gcc.conf reinplace "s|@@X11PREFIX@@|${x11prefix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/../sys_darwin/g77_gcc.conf } }