# $Id: Portfile,v 1.16 2005/10/13 18:21:09 gwright Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name openmcl version 1.0 categories lang maintainers waqar@opendarwin.org gwright@opendarwin.org platforms darwin description The OpenMCL Common Lisp Implementation long_description \ OpenMCL is an opensourced Common Lisp implementation, \ derived from Digitool's Macintosh Common Lisp product. \ \ OpenMCL currently runs under LinuxPPC and, as of \ version 0.10, under Darwin, the BSD/Mach layer on which \ MacOS X is based. homepage http://www.openmcl.com master_sites ftp://clozure.com/pub \ http://clozure.com/openmcl/ftp distfiles ${name}-darwinppc-all-${version}${extract.suffix} checksums md5 7e8b584100d0a2b8cb438b29bd891505 \ sha1 10e0d3922462fc11d18c334ca542b668b793bce9 configure { reinplace "s|-traditional-cpp|-no-cpp-precomp|g" \ ${workpath}/ccl/lisp-kernel/darwin/Makefile } build { cd ${workpath}/ccl/lisp-kernel/darwin system "make" cd ${workpath}/ccl system "echo '(ccl::xload-level-0 :force)' | ./dppccl --batch" system "echo '(ccl::compile-ccl)' | ./dppccl --batch" system "echo '(ccl::save-application \"dppccl.image\")' | \ ./dppccl --batch --image-name ppc-boot.image" } destroot { file mkdir ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/${name}/${version} cd ${workpath}/ccl system "tar cf - . | ( cd ${destroot}/${prefix}/share/${name}/${version} && tar xf -)" reinplace "s|/usr/local/src/ccl|${prefix}/share/${name}/${version}|" \ ${workpath}/ccl/scripts/openmcl system "chmod +x ${workpath}/ccl/scripts/openmcl" file copy ${workpath}/ccl/scripts/openmcl ${destroot}/${prefix}/bin }