# $Id: Portfile,v 1.2 2005/04/21 15:58:18 jberry Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup kansas 0.2 basic_install.rb {README tests} rubyforge:1197 maintainers tristan@opendarwin.org description Kansas is an Object-Relational mapping layer. long_description Kansas is an Object-Relational mapping layer. It takes a \ relational schema, accessible via DBI and converts it to \ a set of Ruby classes. It is simple, lighweight, and easy \ to use -- perfect for most cases. categories-append databases distname ${ruby.filename}_${version} checksums md5 247ed7f6cdd9e060cf07d55ebb57f81e homepage http://enigo.com/projects/kansas/index.html configure { reinplace "s;sitedir;vendordir;" ${worksrcpath}/install.rb reinplace "s;\"kansas\";\"${ruby.version}\", \"kansas\";" ${worksrcpath}/install.rb reinplace "s;'kansas.rb', vendordir;'kansas.rb', File.join(vendordir, \"${ruby.version}\");" ${worksrcpath}/install.rb } depends_lib-append port:rb-dbi platforms darwin