# $Id: Portfile,v 1.5 2005/08/11 21:33:45 rshaw Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup zope 1.0 zope.setup ExternalFile 1.2.0 revision 1 maintainers darwinports@opendarwin.org description This is the ExternalFile Zope Product. long_description This is the ExternalFile Zope Product. It is similar \ to ExtFile (http://zope.org/Members/MacGregor/ExtFile), \ except that it references the file in situ, rather \ than copying it to a file system repository within \ the context of the Zope installation. It also \ supports in-browser editing for ASCII files. homepage http://zope.org/Members/arielpartners/${zope.product} master_sites ${homepage}/${version}/ distname ${zope.product}-[strsed ${version} {g/[.]/-/}] use_zip yes checksums md5 b4da87c01e79970cb8bccf2848d88369 platforms darwin freebsd post-patch { reinplace "s|'tests'|& and name != 'extras'|" ${workpath}/compilezpy.py }