Get DarwinPorts

DarwinPorts version 1.1 is available in source form as either a tar.bz2 package or a tar.gz one, and in binary form as a dmg disk image, containing a pkg installer. Checksums for all these are contained here. The dmg disk image is currently available only for Mac OS X 10.4/ppc and probably will not work on other systems - please install from source in such cases.

To get a files listing of all available downloads checkout the downloads section

Please note that in order to install and run DarwinPorts on Mac OS X, you must have either the Mac OS X Developer Tools (for 10.2.x) or XCode (for 10.3.x and 10.4.x) installed.

If you want to use DarwinPorts on a platform other than Mac OS X, please be aware of the following dependencies (we assume that you have basics such as gcc):

Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer

The easiest way to install DarwinPorts on a Mac OS X system is by downloading the dmg image and running on the pkg contained therein, following the on-screen instructions until completion. This procedure will place a fully functional and default DarwinPorts installation on your host system, completely ready for usage.

To take advantage of your new installation, you need to adapt your shell's configuration files to find the binaries installed by DarwinPorts. Please refer to the README file contained in the dmg for instructions on how to do this.

Although not strictly necessary, it is still recommended that you synchronize your recent installation with OpenDarwin servers to ensure you have the latest release available of the DarwinPorts infrastructure and of the Portfiles containing the instructions necessary for the installation of ports. To accomplish this simply execute:

sudo port -d selfupdate

It is also recommended to run the above command on a regular basis to keep your installation always current. At this point you should be ready to enjoy DarwinPorts!

Source Installation

If on the other hand you decide to install from source, there are still a few things you will need to do once you've downloaded the tarball before you can install a port with the DarwinPorts system, namely installing DarwinPorts itself. “cd” into the directory where you downloaded the package and run “tar xjvf DarwinPorts-1.1.tar.bz2” or “tar xzvf DarwinPorts-1.1.tar.gz”, depending on whether you downloaded the bz2 tarball or the gz one, respectively. This will unpack the DarwinPorts sources that you will proceed to install. To do so, execute the following:

cd DarwinPorts-1.1
./configure && make && sudo make install


cd ../
rm -rf DarwinPorts-1.1.*

These steps need to be perfomed from an administrator account, for which “sudo” will ask the password upon installation. This procedure will install a pristine DarwinPorts system and, if the optional steps are taken, remove the as of now unnecessary DarwinPorts-1.1 directory and corresponding tarball. To customize your installation you should read the output of “./configure --help | more” and pass the appropriate options to the configuration script in the steps detailed above.

You will need to adapt your shell's configuration files to find the binaries installed by DarwinPorts. Lastly, you need to synchronize your recent installation with OpenDarwin servers:

sudo port -d selfupdate

Upon completion DarwinPorts will be ready to install ports. Again, it is recommended to run the above command on a regular basis to keep your installation current.

Alternatively, you can refer to the README_RELEASE1 file contained in the 1.1 release tarball for basic installation and usage instructions.


Help is also available should you need it.

CVS Sources

If you are developer or a user with a taste for the bleeding edge and wish for the latest changes and feature additions, you may acquire the DarwinPorts sources through CVS.

Use the following commands to check the project out of the OpenDarwin CVS repository:

cvs -d login
cvs -d co -P darwinports

When the server asks you for a password, simply press return on your keyboard—the password is empty.

If you do not want to bother with fetching from CVS, you can download a nightly updated CVS-snapshot. Once extracted, you can keep it up to date with the usual “cvs update” commands.

If you'd simply like to view the CVS repository without checking it out, you can do so via CVSweb.