# $Id: Portfile,v 1.33 2005/12/01 13:46:38 gwright Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name logtalk version 2.26.1 categories lang maintainers pmoura@mac.com platforms darwin freebsd linux description Logtalk - Open source object-oriented extension to Prolog long_description \ Logtalk is an open source object-oriented extension to the \ Prolog programming language. Integrating logic programming \ with object-oriented and event-driven programming, it is \ compatible with most Prolog compilers. It supports both \ prototypes and classes. In addition, it supports component- \ based programming through category-based composition. homepage http://www.logtalk.org/ master_sites ${homepage}/files/ checksums md5 4ae1005257910c7d11c12593243fd975 distname lgt2261 extract.suffix .tgz configure {} build {} destroot { system "mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${distname}" cd ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${distname} system "cp -R ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/* ." system "chmod -R go-w,a+r ." system "chmod a+x scripts/*.sh" system "chmod a+x xml/*.sh" } post-destroot { cd ${destroot}/${prefix}/share system "ln -sf ${distname} logtalk" cd ../bin system "ln -sf ../share/${distname}/scripts/cplgtdirs.sh cplgtdirs" system "ln -sf ../share/${distname}/xml/lgt2xml.sh lgt2xml" system "ln -sf ../share/${distname}/xml/lgt2html.sh lgt2html" system "ln -sf ../share/${distname}/xml/lgt2pdf.sh lgt2pdf" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_ciaolgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_eclipselgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_gplgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_plclgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_sicstuslgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_swilgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_xsblgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" system "export LOGTALKHOME=../share/${distname}; ../share/${distname}/scripts/make_yaplgt.sh ${destroot}/${prefix}" } post-activate { ui_msg "****************************************************************************" ui_msg "* Integration scripts have been created for running Logtalk with selected" ui_msg "* back-end Prolog compilers (which must be properly installed for running" ui_msg "* the scripts!):" ui_msg "*" ui_msg "* CIAO: ciaolgt" ui_msg "* ECLiPSe: eclipselgt" ui_msg "* GNU Prolog: gplgt" ui_msg "* K-Prolog: plclgt" ui_msg "* SICStus Prolog: sicstuslgt" ui_msg "* SWI-Prolog: swilgt" ui_msg "* XSB: xsblgt" ui_msg "* YAP: yaplgt" ui_msg "*" ui_msg "* Remember to set the environment variable LOGTALKHOME to the path to" ui_msg "* the Logtalk distribution: ${prefix}/share/${distname}" ui_msg "* and the environment variable LOGTALKUSER to your local configuration" ui_msg "* directory (usually ~/logtalk), which you can create by running the" ui_msg "* command cplgtdirs. See the file \$LOGTALKHOME/INSTALL for details on" ui_msg "* how to customize your working environment." ui_msg "****************************************************************************" }