# $Id: Portfile,v 1.3 2005/04/21 15:58:17 jberry Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup {google ruby-google} 0.5.1 install.rb {README examples} maintainers tristan@opendarwin.org description Ruby interface to Google's SOAP-driven Web API long_description Ruby/Google offers a higher-level abstraction of \ Google's SOAP-driven Web API. It allows the user \ to programmatically query the Google serach-engine \ from the convert of his or her favorite programming \ language. categories-append www homepage http://www.caliban.org/ruby/ruby-google.shtml master_sites http://www.caliban.org/files/ruby/ depends_lib-append port:rb-uconv port:rb-http-access2 checksums md5 354c1958fe102115da1152af9263833f platforms darwin