# $Id: Portfile,v 1.10 2005/08/11 21:33:33 rshaw Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup jabber4r 0.6.0 basic_install.rb {README examples} rubyforge:376 revision 2 maintainers darwinports@opendarwin.org description Library allowing Ruby apps to talk to a Jabber IM system. long_description This library was created to allow a Ruby application to \ connect to (or create a) Jabber account as an additional \ resource. Although it was not the original intent to serve \ as the infrastructure of a complete UI-based IM client... \ it supports everything except the groupchat protocol. \ It currently supports: \ Account registration \ Connection to an account (digest and plain text) \ Access to Roster (buddy list) \ Tracking of presence of resources in the Roster \ (including local account resources) \ Sending and receiving messages \ Managing subscriptions \ XHTML messages \ Pluggable XML Parsers \ What can you do with this? You could write a ruby \ application that allows you to query it by IM for status, \ control, etc. You could use this as a communications \ channel backbone for a Ruby application (which is my \ intent). checksums md5 e5e0bc060bd01389714c3598cf379e4d platforms darwin worksrcdir ${ruby.module} depends_lib-append port:rb-xmlparser configure { reinplace "s|\\(USE_PARSER.*=\\).*\\(#.*\\)$|\\1 :xmlparser \\2|" \ ${worksrcpath}/lib/jabber4r/protocol.rb }