# $Id: Portfile,v 1.3 2005/01/31 03:01:53 landonf Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name libpdel version 0.5.3 revision 1 categories devel www maintainers landonf@opendarwin.org description Packet Design multi-purpose C library for embedded applications. long_description The Packet Design Embedded Library (PDEL) is a kitchen \ sink C library containing an assorted collection of code \ useful for developing embedded applications: \ - C data structure run-time introspection library \ - Threaded HTTP client/server library with SSL and XML-RPC support \ - PPP library using netgraph(4) with PPTP and L2TP servers \ - Application configuration framework \ - Heap memory accounting and sanity checking \ - Generic template processing library \ - Routines to configure networking interfaces, ARP and routing tables \ - Logging library \ - Generic TCP server \ - Generic hash table implementation \ - Generic balanced tree implementation \ - Miscellaneous FILE * enhancements \ - Base-64 encoding/decoding \ - Events and actions with automated locking \ - Generalized per-thread variables \ - Message ports \ - Digital signature creation/verification \ - Filesystem mounting/unmounting \ - String quoting/parsing homepage http://www.dellroad.org/pdel/index platforms darwin depends_lib lib:libexpat:expat \ lib:libssl.0.9:openssl master_sites ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/local-distfiles/archie/ checksums md5 1f8bbb1360f8f8e9bbff470a8c1424dd # Darwin doesn't support sendfile(), so we skip the optimization. patchfiles patch-GNUmakefile \ patch-http_servlet_http_servlet_file.c variant darwin { global shlibBuild shlibName set shlibBuild "cc -dynamiclib \$(objs) \$(LDFLAGS) -compatibility_version 0.1 -current_version ${version} -install_name ${prefix}/lib/libpdel.dylib -o libpdel.dylib -L${prefix}/lib -lssl -lcrypto -lexpat" set shlibName "libpdel.dylib" } post-patch { file copy -force ${filespath}/Darwin ${worksrcpath}/ports/ reinplace s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g ${worksrcpath}/GNUmakefile reinplace s|@LIBNAME@|${shlibName}|g ${worksrcpath}/GNUmakefile reinplace s|@LIBRARY_BUILD@|${shlibBuild}|g ${worksrcpath}/GNUmakefile } build.type gnu configure {}