# $Id: Portfile,v 1.2 2006/03/11 07:01:28 markd Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name libssh version 0.11 categories devel security maintainers ron@oneinsane.net description an SSH library long_description The ssh library was designed to be used by \ programmers needing a working SSH implementation \ by the mean of a library. homepage http://0xbadc0de.be/?part=libssh master_sites http://www.0xbadc0de.be/libssh extract.suffix .tgz checksums md5 ad703c4702646c83ca4fcace92c220d3 \ sha1 sha1 307430249ded90332c4ec77a264913b3bc93a648 \ rmd160 69c2cc00becb84a62555fe884345398f155815a4 patchfiles patch-Makefile.in.diff \ patch-libssh-Makefile.in.diff \ patch-sample.c.diff