# $Id: Portfile,v 1.3 2006/01/24 15:55:54 gwright Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name slime version 1.2.1 revision 2 categories lang maintainers evenson@panix.com description An Emacs mode for unifying Common Lisp development long_description \ SLIME extends Emacs with new support for interactive \ programming in Common Lisp. The features are \ centred around `slime-mode', an Emacs minor-mode \ that complements the standard `lisp-mode'. While \ `lisp-mode' supports editing Lisp source files, \ `slime-mode' adds support for interacting with a \ running Common Lisp process for compilation,\ debugging, documentation lookup, and so on. homepage http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/ master_sites ${homepage} checksums md5 f7fabc03e1ec5a4d380f0890141058d9 \ sha1 553e10a3eb10b0d965a48d63f2fb1fdb5015073b \ rmd160 32fe0e7f6a2df63b907711a7c0b5f7267b74defb use_configure no depends_lib port:emacs depends_run port:openmcl variant devel { depends_lib-delete port:emacs depends_lib-append port:emacs-devel } post-patch { reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}/share|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/doc/makefile } pre-build { global emacs_binary if {[ variant_isset devel ]} { set emacs_binary [ glob ${prefix}/bin/emacs\-* ] ui_msg "emacs binary name is ${emacs_binary}" } else { set emacs_binary ${prefix}/bin/emacs } } build { cd ${worksrcpath} upvar #0 emacs_binary emacs_bin system "${emacs_bin} \ --batch \ --directory . \ --funcall batch-byte-compile \ slime.el \ hyperspec.el \ tree-widget.el" cd ${worksrcpath}/doc system "make slime.info" } destroot { cd ${worksrcpath} set site_lisp_dest ${destroot}${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime xinstall -m 755 -d ${site_lisp_dest} foreach file [glob *.el *.elc *.lisp] { xinstall -m 644 ${file} ${site_lisp_dest} } xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/doc/slime.info ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info } post-activate { ui_msg "To use SLIME, you need to have a Common Lisp installed with which" ui_msg "you wish to interact. At the moment, 'openmcl' works with slime." ui_msg "DarwinPorts also has 'clisp' (currently broken with slime)," ui_msg "'sbcl' (also currently broken with slime) and 'gcl' (broken on OS X)." ui_msg "" ui_msg "Then put the following in your ~/.emacs:" ui_msg " (require 'slime)" ui_msg " (slime-setup)" ui_msg " (setq inferior-lisp-program \"openmcl\")" ui_msg "" ui_msg "Replace 'openmcl' with the name of the Common Lisp exectuable" ui_msg "if you wish to use a different lisp." ui_msg "" ui_msg "Then, 'M-x slime' from Emacs should connect you to your chosen" ui_msg "Lisp environment." }