# $Id: Portfile,v 1.1 2006/03/07 18:30:43 mww Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python24 1.0 name py-numpy version 0.9.5 categories python platforms darwin maintainers erickt@dslextreme.com description The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python long_description ${description} homepage http://numeric.scipy.org/ master_sites sourceforge:numpy distname numpy-${version} checksums md5 47fe186078c5e1f68b37e0ffc4994178 depends_build port:gcc41 depends_lib-append lib:fftw:fftw-3 patchfiles patch-gnu.py \ patch-system_info.py post-patch { reinplace "s:DPORT_PREFIX:${prefix}:g" ${worksrcpath}/numpy/distutils/system_info.py } build.pre_args config_fc --f90exec ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-dp-4.1 --fcompiler gnu95 build.args build