# $Id: Portfile,v 1.9 2005/08/11 21:33:45 rshaw Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup zope 1.0 zope.setup CMFQuickInstallerTool 1.5.2 maintainers darwinports@opendarwin.org description CMFQuickInstallerTool for Zope CMF/Plone long_description CMFQuickInstallerTool is a facility for comfortable \ activation/deactivation of CMF compliant products \ inside a CMF site. Therefore it has to be installed \ as a tool inside a CMF portal, where it stores the \ information about the installed products. homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/collective master_sites sourceforge:collective extract.suffix .tgz checksums md5 08e8c7ed2d46377cbf7ac5e5867ef16b platforms darwin freebsd # Depends on these Zope products depends_lib-append port:zope-cmf