# $Id: Portfile,v 1.6 2005/08/11 21:33:34 rshaw Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup {password ruby-password} 0.5.2 extconf.rb {README doc example} revision 1 maintainers darwinports@opendarwin.org description password manipulation methods for Ruby long_description Ruby/Password comprises a set of useful methods for \ creating, verifying and manipulating passwords. It \ includes an interface to CrackLib, a library \ commonly used for checking password strength. The \ target audience for this library is system \ administrators who need to write Ruby programs that \ prompt for, generate, verify and encrypt passwords. categories-append sysutils homepage http://www.caliban.org/ruby/ master_sites http://www.caliban.org/files/ruby/ checksums md5 6a33fb9dd039f07fe2b81a0d8eed7f6f platforms darwin depends_lib-append lib:libcrack.2:cracklib \ port:rb-termios patchfiles patch-tc_password.rb post-patch { cd ${worksrcpath} reinplace "s|^#!.*ruby|#!${ruby.bin}|" example/example.rb example/pwgen reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" extconf.rb reinplace "s|pw_dict|cracklib/&|g" extconf.rb } post-build { system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ${ruby.rdoc} -x CVS rbcrack.c" } test.run yes test.cmd ${ruby.bin} test/tc_password.rb