NOTE: Voting venue changed to sancho due to lamancha instability, see belowDarwinports portmgr@ ElectionThe candidates for the portmgr@ election are (in no particular order):
- Each commiter will upload a text file named "portmgr-vote-loginname.txt" containing the votes to their home directory on sftp will work for uploading to sancho. Your vote-meister prefers that your vote files are readable by group staff (see below for voting end time). sftp may require a numeric group ID instead of 'staff', in this case 20 == staff. - The preferred format for the voting files is one vote per line. Preferred line format is to have the nickname of the candidate (as in parenthesis above), nothing else. - If, for some reason, is not available at voting time, you may email: ![]() as a substitute. Messages must be *received* before the voting deadline. It is *highly* recommended you vote at least a day before the deadline in case of problems. - Each commiter can place a total of 3 votes, with only one vote per candidate. Duplicate votes will be discarded. - Voting ends at the 15 march 2005 at 09:00 UTC (yes virginia, that's 01:00 US/Pacific). - Votes will be tabulated by the official vote-meister and announced on the darwinports mailing list. |