DarwinPorts Portfiles

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Maintained by: "; } $addr = obfuscate_email($nrow[0]); print $addr; if ($primary) { echo ""; } $primary = 0; } } // CATEGORIES $nquery = "SELECT category FROM darwinports.categories WHERE portfile='" . mysql_real_escape_string($row['name']) . "' ORDER BY is_primary DESC, category"; $nresult = mysql_query($nquery); if ($nresult) { ?>
Categories: "; } ?> "; } $primary = 0; } } // PLATFORMS $nquery = "SELECT platform FROM darwinports.platforms WHERE portfile='" . mysql_real_escape_string($row['name']) . "' ORDER BY platform"; $nresult = mysql_query($nquery); if ($nresult && mysql_num_rows($nresult) > 0) { ?>
Platforms: 0) { ?>
Dependencies: libpng $library = eregi_replace("^([^:]*:[^:]*:|[^:]*:)", "", $nrow[0]); ?> 0) { ?>