####### # MacPorts rsync repos feeding the sync & selfupdate procedures, created and # maintained by the base/portmgr/mprsyncup script. # # Two main modules are supplied for current installations off trunk and # two for backwards compatibility (legacy DarwinPorts namespace). Assuming # a REPOROOT path of /Volumes/data/rsync/macports/, this file is organized # in the following four modules and filesystem level paths (server side): # # # PATHS: # # ${REPOROOT}/release: holding a ports tree, exported from a checkout of svn's # trunk/dports dir (ToT), and the current release base dir, as determined by # the base/config/RELEASE_URL file read by the base/portmgr/mprsyncup # script; # # ${REPOROOT}/trunk: holding an export of a checkout from svn's trunk/base # dir (ToT); # # ${REPOROOT}/dpupdate: backwards compatible path & module, a filesystem # level (relative) symlink to the trunk path above # (relative to ${REPOROOT}: dpupdate --> trunk); # # ${REPOROOT}/dpupdate1: backwards compatible path & module, a filesystem # level (relative) symlink to the release path # (relative to ${REPOROOT}: dpupdate1 --> release). # # # Futhermore the ${REPOROOT}/trunk path must also hold a (relative) `dports' # symlink to `../release/ports', so that a sync operation against # `dpupdate/ports' for the ports tree works on legacy MacPorts installations # (DarwinPorts namespace). Overall, the ${REPOROOT} skeleton should look like: # # release/ # release/base/ # release/ports/ # trunk/ # trunk/base/ # trunk/dports --> ../release/ports # dpupdate --> trunk # dpupdate1 --> release # # # Whatever server uses this file should simply add the modules listed here to # an already tailored rsyncd.conf file, as no other particular config options # are supplied. Repositories themselves are created and maintained by the # base/portmgr/mprsyncup script, as stated above (that is, no manual # intervention what-so-ever is needed, other than adding the repos to the local # rsyncd.conf file). # # Created by Juan Manuel Palacios, # e-mail: jmpp@macports.org # $Id$ ####### [release] comment = MacPorts rsync release repository, providing the current MacPorts "released" sources and the ports tree. path = /Volumes/data/rsync/macports/release [trunk] comment = MacPorts rsync "trunk" repository, providing experimental MacPorts sources in svn's trunk/base. path = /Volumes/data/rsync/macports/trunk [dpupdate] comment = Legacy MacPorts rsync repository for backwards compatibility with 1.4.x releases, providing svn's trunk/base and the ports tree. path = /Volumes/data/rsync/macports/dpupdate [dpupdate1] comment = Legacy MacPorts rsync repository for backwards compatibility with 1.4.x releases, providing the current MacPorts "released" sources. path = /Volumes/data/rsync/macports/dpupdate1