# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name boost-build version 2.0-m11 categories devel maintainers nomaintainer description Build system for large project software construction long_description Boost.Build is a system for large project software \ construction, which is simple to use and powerfull. \ Boost.Build V2 is an onging project to rewrite \ Boost.Build, improving design and making it more \ extensible. homepage http://www.boost.org master_sites sourceforge:boost use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 457a9ffb2d6fe7dd9ac44b5e4aaf5ab0 \ sha1 da49a8d6795996edd6bab13f734513b3e7734f5a \ rmd160 05be38c07f23bcadbe92dc2a35871efeca06f3f5 platforms darwin depends_run port:boost-jam worksrcdir ${name} configure { cd ${worksrcpath} file delete -force debian jam_src/debian reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|" \ doc/html/bbv2/faq.html \ doc/src/faq.xml \ jam_src/Jambase \ jam_src/jam.h \ jam_src/jambase.c reinplace "s|+= /usr/include|+= ${prefix}/include|" \ jam_src/Jambase \ jam_src/jambase.c reinplace "s|/usr/ccs/bin/ar|/usr/bin/ar|" \ jam_src/Jambase \ jam_src/jambase.c reinplace "s|/usr/share/boost-build|${prefix}/share/${name}|" \ jam_src/Jambase \ jam_src/jambase.c reinplace "s|/usr/.*/qt|${prefix}/share/qt3|" \ user-config.jam if {[catch {set python [binaryInPath python]} result] == 0} { foreach dir {test example/customization jam_src} { foreach script [glob $dir/*.py] { reinplace "s|^#!.*python|#!${python}|" ${script} } } } } build {} destroot { system "cp -R ${worksrcpath} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}" }