# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name apple-gcc33 version 1823 categories lang platforms darwin maintainers mww description Apple's version of gcc 3.3 long_description Apple's version of the GNU compiler collection, \ version 3.3. This is a backport for Mac OS X 10.4 on \ Intel that may produce binaries that cannot be linked \ against! The installed programs are named \ gcc-apple-3.3 etc. This include only the C front end. homepage http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/gcc-3.3/gcc/ master_sites http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/other/ distname gcc_os-${version} checksums sha1 124b58a3e0c62d8b4d23661bc6238089717b4243 patchfiles patch-gcc-gcc.c patch-expect-Makefile.in post-extract { file mkdir ${workpath}/build } set nprefix ${prefix}/lib/${name} # try to avoid non-Apple programs at all costs (very volatile build) configure.dir ${workpath}/build configure.cmd ${worksrcpath}/configure configure.pre_args --prefix=${nprefix} configure.args --enable-languages=c --program-suffix=-apple-3.3 configure.cflags configure.ldflags configure.cppflags configure.env PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" platform darwin 8 { configure.compiler gcc-4.0 } build.dir ${configure.dir} pre-destroot { reinplace "s|^INSTALL_ROOT.*|INSTALL_ROOT=${destroot}|g" \ ${build.dir}/tcl/unix/Makefile } destroot.dir ${build.dir} post-destroot { file delete -force \ ${destroot}${nprefix}/man ${destroot}${nprefix}/info system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/bin && ln -sf ${nprefix}/bin/gcc-apple-3.3 && ln -sf ${nprefix}/bin/cpp-apple-3.3" } livecheck.check moddate livecheck.url ${master_sites}