# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name alphamail version 1.0.16 categories www mail perl maintainers tkay@uoregon.edu description A web-based IMAP client long_description AlphaMail is an apache 2 mod_perl IMAP web mail client. It\ uses a C++ daemon to maintain IMAP connections (like an IMAP\ proxy), and reduce load by caching commonly used data. The\ interface is very clean and includes many advanced features\ such as image preview icons, spell checking, address book\ enabled compose fields, and much more. homepage http://alphamail.uoosl.org/index.html master_sites http://alphamail.uoosl.org/releases/ checksums md5 a1ede89d69918c144bb3ba11ba44d5b8 configure.cxxflags-append "-I${prefix}/include" depends_build port:boost\ port:apache2\ port:p5-html-mason\ port:aspell-dict-en\ port:mod_perl2\ port:openssl\ port:p5-mime-tools\ port:p5-mime-types\ port:p5-html-parser\ port:p5-log-log4perl\ port:p5-unicode-string\ port:p5-unicode-collate\ port:p5-crypt-cbc\ port:p5-crypt-cast5\ port:p5-time-hires\ port:p5-time-piece\ port:p5-date-calc\ port:p5-gdgraph\ port:p5-test-simple\ port:p5-www-mechanize\ port:p5-apache-authcookie\ port:p5-apache-session\ port:p5-text-aspell\ port:p5-email-address\ port:p5-email-date\ port:p5-timedate\ port:p5-crypt-cast5\ port:antiword\ port:netpbm\ port:bzip2\ port:unzip\ port:p5-libapreq2 # p5-Math-GMP # p5-Net-SSH-Perl # xlhtml