# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 version 1.13 revision 0 perl5.setup CAM-PDF ${version} maintainers ricci description Reads and writes any document that conforms to PDF v1.4 long_description This package reads and writes any document that \ conforms to the PDF specification generously provided by Adobe at \ http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/acrosdk/docs/filefmtspecs/PDFReference.pdf \ (3rd edition, for PDF v1.4 as of May 2002) platforms darwin patchfiles patch-lib-CAM-PDF.pm checksums md5 497e1b2b5d84defd0b39c262be832915 \ sha1 ccda2d9482e53911ff31045a54b701e16e62c1f5 \ rmd160 abab079bdf72e7179e415e88be97790c86eeee15 depends_lib-append port:p5-crypt-rc4 \ port:p5-text-pdf master_sites http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/C/CD/CDOLAN/ distfiles CAM-PDF-${version}.tar.gz ## Note: CAM-PDF requires Digest::MD5, this is present in base perl 5.8.8.