# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup FXRuby 1.6.16 install.rb {README doc examples tests} \ rubyforge:39357 maintainers lyle@lylejohnson.name description Ruby bindings for the FOX GUI Toolkit. long_description FXRuby is a Ruby extention module that provides an \ interface to the FOX GUI library. categories-append x11 homepage http://www.fxruby.org checksums md5 2eeef754f565b820d73ac39f6492ea4c \ sha1 6d1513376c461ceadae75d70cea4397588042dc7 \ rmd160 860a48af3630d885dafeb93eba3f4f95191c074c platforms darwin depends_lib-append port:fox \ port:fxscintilla configure.args -- --with-fox-include=${prefix}/include/fox-1.6 \ --with-fox-lib=${prefix}/lib \ --with-fxscintilla-include=${prefix}/include/fxscintilla \ --with-fxscintilla-lib=${prefix}/lib