# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup rflickr 2006.02.01 gem {} rubyforge_gem maintainers pguyot@kallisys.net openmaintainer description Ruby interface to the Flickr API long_description rflickr is a Ruby implementation of the Flickr API. It \ includes a faithful reproduction of the published API as \ well as method encapsulation to provide more useful \ object mappings. rflickr features result caching to \ improve performance. checksums md5 d925c9b6197004ab9e916a435e638034 \ sha1 17fc920e1f1563cee7fd20e9945a61d29cefd02e \ rmd160 0beabdd6a00422f74654da887023211aa27d70ec platforms darwin homepage http://rubyforge.org/projects/rflickr/ depends_lib-append \ port:rb-mime-types livecheck.version ${ruby.module}-[strsed ${version} {g/\./-/}]