# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup ruby 1.0 ruby.setup RMagick 2.7.0 setup.rb {README.html examples} rubyforge:44142 maintainers febeling openmaintainer description The Ruby interface to ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick long_description RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming \ language and the ImageMagick (tm) and GraphicsMagick \ image processing libraries. It is fully featured and \ has good documentation. categories-append graphics use_bzip2 yes checksums sha1 737dbb552dc7d6a080216ac2f7252b28bea9daf6 platforms darwin depends_lib-append port:ImageMagick pre-configure { foreach exe {wmf2eps gs} { if {[catch {set found [binaryInPath ${exe}]}] != 0} { ui_warn "${exe} is not installed, some RMagick examples will fail." } else { ui_info "${exe} found: ${found}" } } } configure.args --doc-dir=${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/userguide \ --allow-example-errors