# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mod_gnutls version 0.4.3 categories www security crypto maintainers blb openmaintainer description SSL/TLS support for Apache using GnuTLS long_description \ mod_gnutls uses the GnuTLS library to provide SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 and \ TLS 1.1 encryption for Apache HTTPD. It is similar to mod_ssl in \ purpose, but does not use OpenSSL. platforms darwin homepage http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_gnutls/ master_sites http://www.outoforder.cc/downloads/mod_gnutls/ use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 16ddeeabbdb74cef9eb2f2a1334c2550 \ sha1 b9c09f70489f965b3cc89bbc980f48d8fcd02d54 \ rmd160 c60966baa015d7341d2e71287c1c3bc767f3459a depends_lib port:apache2 port:gnutls patchfiles patch-include_mod_gnutls.h.in.diff \ patch-src_Makefile.in.diff configure.args --with-apxs=${prefix}/apache2/bin/apxs \ --with-libgnutls-prefix=${prefix} destroot.violate_mtree yes pre-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/apache2/modules } post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} LICENSE NEWS NOTICE README README.ENV \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} } post-activate { ui_msg "To enable ${name}, add" ui_msg " LoadModule gnutls_module modules/mod_gnutls.so" ui_msg "to your ${prefix}/apache2/conf/httpd.conf file." ui_msg "Please read the documentation at" ui_msg " http://www.outoforder.cc/projects/apache/mod_gnutls/docs/" ui_msg " for further details on configuration of this module" } variant memcache description {Distributed SSL Session Cache support} { depends_lib-append port:apr_memcache configure.args-append --with-apr-memcache-prefix=${prefix} } livecheck.check regex livecheck.url ${master_sites} # In version X.Y.Z, when Y is even it is stable, odd is devel livecheck.regex ${name}-(\\d\.\[02468\]\.\\d)