# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name qtpfsgui version 1.9.2 revision 1 categories aqua graphics maintainers gmail.com:clubjuggler openmaintainer description GUI for HDR imaging workflow long_description Qtpfsgui is an open source graphical user interface \ application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging. platforms darwin homepage http://qtpfsgui.sourceforge.net/ master_sites sourceforge patchfiles patch-qtpfsgui-1.9.2-app-path.diff patch-qtpfsgui-1.9.2-exp10f.diff patch.pre_args -p1 depends_lib port:qt4-mac port:exiv2 port:openexr port:ilmbase port:fftw-3-single port:tiff checksums md5 8a037c1dc75f04752dc36a59e7237fc4 # This shouldn't be this hard. Taken from portconfigure.tcl because # I couldn't see any other way to set this. # Set pre-compiler filter to use (ccache/distcc), if any. if {[tbool configure.ccache] && [tbool configure.distcc]} { set filter "ccache " append_list_to_environment_value configure "CCACHE_PREFIX" "distcc" } elseif {[tbool configure.ccache]} { set filter "ccache " } elseif {[tbool configure.distcc]} { set filter "distcc " } else { set filter "" } # This also shouldn't be this hard. All I want to do is set QMAKE_CC to the # environment variable CC (and QMAKE_CXX to CXX) that are set in portconfigure.tcl. # However, I couldn't figure out how to get the environment variable here so # this is a kludge to replicate what's done in portconfigure.tcl. It should # be fixed as soon as possible. configure.pre_args "PREFIX=${prefix} QMAKE_CC=\"${filter}gcc\" QMAKE_CXX=\"${filter}g++\"" configure.cmd "LOCALSOFT=${prefix} ${prefix}/libexec/qt4-mac/bin/qmake" destroot.destdir INSTALL_ROOT=${destroot}