# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name efte version 0.96 revision 3 categories editors platforms darwin maintainers reiffert openmaintainer description configurable programmers editor long_description \ eFTE is a lightweight, extendable, folding text editor \ geared toward the programmer. eFTE is a fork of FTE with goals of \ taking FTE to the next step, hence, Enhanced FTE. homepage http://efte.sourceforge.net master_sites http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/efte/ checksums efte-${version}.tar.gz md5 ae60a3056e73d4655569f455e4c6283e depends_build\ bin:cmake:cmake \ port:xorg-libsm \ port:xorg-libXext \ port:xpm configure.args -DCMAKE_BUIL_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${prefix} \ -DUSE_GPM=OFF -DBUILD_CONSOLE=ON -DBUILD_X=ON configure { system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ${configure.env} cmake ${configure.args} ${worksrcpath}" } variant no_x11 { depends_build-delete port:xorg-libsm port:xorg-libXext port:xpm configure.args-append "-DBUILD_X=OFF" configure.args-delete "-DBUILD_X=ON" } post-destroot { system "cd ${destroot}${prefix}/share/efte && ../../bin/cefte config/mymain.fte system.fterc" }