# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name minivmac-devel set my_name minivmac version 3.1.0-20090402 revision 5 set version_number [lindex [split ${version} -] 0] set version_date [lindex [split ${version} -] 1] set version_short_date [string range ${version_date} 2 end] categories emulators aqua maintainers ryandesign homepage http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/ use_zip yes platforms macosx universal_variant no build.target use_parallel_build yes dist_subdir ${my_name} description \ a Mac 128K, Mac 512K, Mac 512KE, Mac Plus and Mac SE emulator long_description \ Mini vMac is a Macintosh emulator. It emulates the earliest Macs, \ from the original Mac 128K (built 1984-85) to the Mac SE (1987-1990). \ The default is to emulate a Mac Plus (1986-1990)\; this is also \ the best-tested and therefore recommended emulation. master_sites sourceforge:${my_name} distname ${my_name}${version_short_date} set my_src ${distname}.src set my_src_distfile ${my_src}.zip set my_icons icnsosx-1.0.0 set my_icons_distfile ${my_icons}.zip distfiles \ ${my_src_distfile} \ ${my_icons_distfile} checksums \ ${my_src_distfile} \ md5 7defdcb859cdda0df3bdc3c252370a70 \ sha1 f4a80b326380746b88993d53eeb6a7d46768358b \ rmd160 828eb032ea3ac0f52054d0c8af1d6910ded1dff0 \ ${my_icons_distfile} \ md5 2af006506de7549be14f94317918d59a \ sha1 4ef79bb56b988fedfeb82a8b6cafd8066f5bbab2 \ rmd160 cef6d7d7578464538d0042b0d98379ae7f18fab7 patchfiles \ patch-build.diff \ patch-gcc.diff set my_appdir "${applications_dir}/Mini vMac" set my_target "" # variation_id variation_suffix variation_options set my_variations { 128K "128K" {-m 128K} 512K "512K" {-m 128K -mem 512K} 512Ke "512Ke" {-m 512Ke} Plus "Plus" {-m Plus -im 1} SE "SE" {-m SE} SEFDHD "SE FDHD" {-m SEFDHD} Classic "Classic" {-m Classic} } set my_romfiles { Mac128K.ROM vMac.ROM MacSE.ROM SEFDHD.ROM Classic.ROM } variant unsupported description {Also build unfinished Macintosh II and IIx emulators} { set my_variations [concat ${my_variations} { II "II" {-m II -mem 8M -hres 800 -vres 600 -depth 3} IIx "IIx" {-m IIx -mem 8M -hres 800 -vres 600 -depth 3} }] set my_romfiles [concat ${my_romfiles} { MacII.ROM MacIIx.ROM }] } platform powerpc { set my_target mach } platform i386 { set my_target imch } post-install { set found 0 foreach my_romfile ${my_romfiles} { if {[file exists ${my_appdir}/${my_romfile}]} { ui_debug "Found ROM file ${my_appdir}/${my_romfile}" set found 1 } } if {!${found}} { ui_msg "****************************************************************" ui_msg "Mini vMac requires a ROM file from the type of machine(s) you're" ui_msg "emulating in order to work. ROM files are not included with this" ui_msg "package because they are copyrighted Apple software." ui_msg "To create a ROM file, download the CopyRoms program from" ui_msg "${homepage}extras/copyroms.html" ui_msg "and transfer it to a real physical early Macintosh that you own." ui_msg "Run the CopyRoms program there, then transfer the ROM file back" ui_msg "to this Mac and put it in ${my_appdir}." ui_msg "****************************************************************" } } post-extract { xinstall -W ${filespath} runbuild.sh ${workpath} # The disk image mounter likes images to have the .img extension. file rename ${workpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.dsk ${workpath}/src.img # Mount the source disk image. set my_src_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${workpath}/src.img 0] # Copy the source from the disk image into the workpath. file mkdir ${worksrcpath} foreach thing {COPYING.txt README.txt output projects source} { copy ${my_src_disk_mount}/${thing} ${worksrcpath} } # Unmount the disk image. my_detach_disk_image ${my_src_disk_mount} # Convert CR to LF line endings. fs-traverse thing ${worksrcpath} { if {[file isfile ${thing}]} { foreach extension {.a .c .h .i .plist .r Makefile} { if {[string match "*${extension}" ${thing}]} { reinplace "s/\r/\\\n/g" ${thing} } } } } } build.env-append CC=${configure.cc} configure { # Build the build system. if {![file exists ${worksrcpath}/Build.app]} { set my_cmd "cd ${worksrcpath}/projects/gcc_${my_target} && ${build.env} [build_getnicevalue] make [build_getmakejobs]" ui_debug ${my_cmd} system ${my_cmd} file rename ${worksrcpath}/projects/gcc_${my_target}/Build.app ${worksrcpath} } file mkdir ${workpath}/${my_target} foreach {variation_id variation_suffix variation_options} ${my_variations} { ui_debug "Configuring ${variation_id}" # Due to limitations of the build system, the variation name cannot be longer than 27 characters. set variation_name ${version}_${revision}-${variation_id} # Write our options file. set my_options_file ${workpath}/${variation_name}.txt set my_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx -nex -t ${my_target} -n ${variation_name} ${variation_options}" set my_options_file_id [open ${my_options_file} "w"] puts -nonewline ${my_options_file_id} ${my_options} close ${my_options_file_id} # Run the build system. set my_cmd "${workpath}/runbuild.sh ${worksrcpath} ${my_options_file}" ui_debug ${my_cmd} system ${my_cmd} # Get the build product. file rename ${worksrcpath}/output/${variation_name} ${workpath}/${my_target}/${variation_id} } } build { foreach {variation_id variation_suffix variation_options} ${my_variations} { ui_debug "Building ${variation_id}" build.dir ${workpath}/${my_target}/${variation_id} set my_cmd "cd ${build.dir} && ${build.env} [build_getnicevalue] ${build.cmd} ${build.target} [build_getmakejobs]" ui_debug ${my_cmd} system ${my_cmd} # Only keep a single copy of the Resources to save space. if {![file exists ${workpath}/Resources]} { copy ${workpath}/${my_target}/${variation_id}/minivmac.app/Contents/Resources ${workpath} } delete ${workpath}/${my_target}/${variation_id}/minivmac.app/Contents/Resources } } destroot { set my_sharedir ${prefix}/share/${my_name}/ xinstall -d ${destroot}${my_sharedir} copy ${workpath}/Resources ${destroot}${my_sharedir} eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${workpath}/${my_icons}/icons/*.icns] ${destroot}${my_sharedir}/Resources xinstall -d ${destroot}${my_appdir} foreach {variation_id variation_suffix variation_options} ${my_variations} { ui_debug "Staging ${variation_id}" set my_app "${my_appdir}/Mini vMac ${variation_suffix}.app" file copy ${workpath}/${my_target}/${variation_id}/minivmac.app \ ${destroot}${my_app} ln -s ${my_sharedir}/Resources ${destroot}${my_app}/Contents } } proc my_attach_disk_image {disk_image allow_writing} { global name workpath set mountpoint [exec mktemp -d -q -t ${name}] if {${allow_writing}} { set flag "-readwrite" } else { set flag "-readonly" } set my_cmd "hdiutil attach ${disk_image} -mountpoint ${mountpoint} -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify ${flag}" ui_debug ${my_cmd} system ${my_cmd} return ${mountpoint} } proc my_detach_disk_image {mountpoint} { set my_cmd "hdiutil detach ${mountpoint} -force" ui_debug ${my_cmd} system ${my_cmd} file delete -force ${mountpoint} } livecheck.check regex livecheck.version ${version_short_date} livecheck.url ${homepage}develop/ livecheck.regex ${my_name}(\[0-9\]+)\\.src