# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name minivmac version 2.8.2 revision 2 categories emulators aqua maintainers ryandesign homepage http://minivmac.sourceforge.net/ master_sites sourceforge use_configure no worksrcdir projects/bgcmachs build.target platforms darwin universal_variant no use_parallel_build yes description \ a Mac 128K, Mac 512K, Mac 512KE, Mac Plus and Mac SE emulator long_description \ Mini vMac is a Macintosh emulator. It emulates the earliest Macs, \ from the original Mac 128K (built 1984-85) to the Mac SE (1987-1990). \ The default is to emulate a Mac Plus (1986-1990)\; this is also \ the best-tested and therefore recommended emulation. distfiles \ ${distname}.prj.tgz \ ${distname}.src.tgz checksums \ ${distname}.prj.tgz \ md5 cfd3c6b60080d2184d6895b84c616fbf \ sha1 8aa54b5708e280d1ed0c1f68aca8a38965cad4e2 \ rmd160 d0e8d7734109b12caaf909efea231fe2a3a55979 \ ${distname}.src.tgz \ md5 ff6e67f654f09098ffbb8f26a5a7ae20 \ sha1 6cdc4b514f3b45869a9fd2c5ee528499e772ad5e \ rmd160 dc7a827fc1821014b2ac0f9b5cd025e1133d83ef set romfile vMac.ROM set romfile_model "Macintosh Plus or 512Ke" post-extract { reinplace "s|maintained by unknown|maintained by MacPorts|" \ ${worksrcpath}/config/Info.plist reinplace "s|#define kMaintainerName \"unknown\"|#define kMaintainerName \"MacPorts\"|" \ ${worksrcpath}/config/CNFGGLOB.h } destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${applications_dir} file copy ${worksrcpath}/minivmac.app \ ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Mini\ vMac.app } post-install { if { ! [file exists ${applications_dir}/${romfile}] } { ui_msg "**************************************************************" ui_msg "Mini vMac requires a ROM file from the type of machine you're" ui_msg "emulating in order to work. The ROM file is not included with" ui_msg "this package because it is copyrighted Apple software." ui_msg "Download the CopyRoms program from the Mini vMac web site" ui_msg "(${homepage} > More > Extras)" ui_msg "and transfer it to a real physical ${romfile_model}" ui_msg "that you own. Run the CopyRoms program there, then transfer" ui_msg "the ROM file back to this Mac, name it ${romfile}," ui_msg "and put it in ${applications_dir}." ui_msg "**************************************************************" } } if { ![variant_isset mac128k] && ![variant_isset mac512k] && ![variant_isset mac512ke] && ![variant_isset macse] } { default_variants +macplus } variant mac128k conflicts mac512k mac512ke macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh with 128K RAM and 2 drives} { patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-mac128k.diff set romfile Mac128K.ROM set romfile_model "Macintosh 128K or 512K" } variant mac512k conflicts mac128k mac512ke macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh 512K with 512K RAM and 2 drives} { patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-mac512k.diff set romfile Mac128K.ROM set romfile_model "Macintosh 128K or 512K" } variant mac512ke conflicts mac128k mac512k macplus macse description {Emulate a Macintosh 512Ke with 512K RAM and 6 drives} { patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-mac512ke.diff } variant macplus conflicts mac128k mac512k mac512ke macse description {Emulate a Macintosh Plus with 4 MB RAM and 6 drives (default)} { # Mac Plus emulation is the default so we don't need to do anything here } variant macse conflicts mac128k mac512k mac512ke macplus description {Emulate a Macintosh SE with 4 MB RAM and 6 drives} { patchfiles-append patch-CNFGGLOB.h-macse.diff set romfile MacSE.ROM set romfile_model "Macintosh SE" } livecheck.check regex livecheck.url ${homepage}download.html livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.src