# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mtpaint version 3.20 categories graphics maintainers afb openmaintainer description Mark Tyler's Painting Program long_description mtPaint is a painting program which Mark Tyler developed \ from scratch so he could easily create pixel art and \ manipulate digital photos. homepage http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/ platforms darwin master_sites sourceforge:mtpaint use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 772f96288f6dc7c78597e4878fc68597 depends_lib port:libpng port:gtk2 port:freetype configure.args-append gtk2 man cflags configure.env CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include universal_variant no destroot.args-append MT_PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} \ BIN_INSTALL=${destroot}${prefix}/bin \ MT_MAN_DEST=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1 variant gtk1 description "use GTK+1 instead of GTK+2" { depends_lib-delete port:gtk2 port:freetype depends_lib-append port:gtk1 configure.args-delete gtk2 configure.args-append gtk1 noft }