# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; truncate-lines: t; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup kde4 1.0 name kdebase4-runtime version 4.3.0 categories kde kde4 maintainers snc m4x.org:jeremy_laine description Shared data needed by KDE4 programs long_description Provides data which is required by KDE4 applications. \ e.g. icons and mimetype data. platforms darwin homepage http://www.kde.org master_sites kde:stable/${version}/src/ use_bzip2 yes distname kdebase-runtime-${version} checksums md5 e4ea5d567187f4ac952c67326c5afd94 \ sha1 df12e292ece343622f2e05848f1d72975b234ae9 \ rmd160 24cc5d75abe87a79c6b53d6e63aea193ae412f46 depends_lib-append port:kdelibs4 \ port:qimageblitz \ port:kdepimlibs4 \ port:oxygen-icons configure.args-append ../${distname} \ -DWITH_PulseAudio=OFF \ -DXINE_INCLUDE_DIR=\"\" \ -DXINE_LIBRARY=\"\" variant xine description "Enable xine support" { # Unsupported. Don't report bugs, unless it comes with a patch :-) depends_lib-append port:xine-lib configure.args-delete -DXINE_INCLUDE_DIR=\"\" \ -DXINE_LIBRARY=\"\" }