# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name swi-prolog version 5.6.63 revision 2 epoch 20051223 categories lang maintainers uva.nl:J.Wielemaker logtalk.org:pmoura platforms darwin description SWI-Prolog compiler plus extra packages (stable version) long_description \ ISO/Edinburgh-style Prolog compiler including modules, \ autoload, libraries, Garbage-collector, stack-expandor, \ C/C++-interface, Multiple threads, GNU-readline interface, \ coroutining, constraint programming, global variables, \ very fast compiler. Including packages clib (Unix process \ control, sockets, MIME), cpp (C++ interface), sgml (reading \ XML/SGML), sgml/RDF (reading RDF into triples), ODBC \ interface and XPCE (Graphics UI toolkit, integrated editor \ (Emacs-clone) and graphical debugger). homepage http://www.swi-prolog.org/ master_sites http://gollem.science.uva.nl/cgi-bin/nph-download/SWI-Prolog/ checksums \ md5 4efffb1f7280080182fc5417bbce4010 \ sha1 d2b94f1f90b76d42e78bfeb90c8285c3faf56d5c \ rmd160 73577a7d224ce87b0d216a3eb7c576499f97ea71 depends_build \ port:gawk \ port:junit depends_lib \ port:readline \ port:ncurses \ port:jpeg \ port:libmcrypt \ port:gmp \ port:zlib \ port:xorg-libs platform darwin 9 { depends_lib-append port:expat } distname pl-${version} configure.env \ LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:${prefix}/lib \ CPATH=/usr/include:${prefix}/include \ JUNIT=${prefix}/share/java/junit.jar configure.ldflags configure.args \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --with-world build.env \ LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:${prefix}/lib \ CPATH=/usr/include:${prefix}/include \ JUNIT=${prefix}/share/java/junit.jar \ CC=${configure.cc} post-build { file mkdir ${workpath}/macosx file copy -force -- ${workpath}/pl-${version}/man/macosx/License.html ${workpath}/macosx/ file copy -force -- ${workpath}/pl-${version}/man/macosx/macosx.html ${workpath}/macosx/ file copy -force -- ${workpath}/pl-${version}/man/macosx/Welcome.html ${workpath}/macosx/ } post-pkg { set resources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.pkg/Contents/Resources/ file copy -force -- ${workpath}/macosx/License.html ${resources} file copy -force -- ${workpath}/macosx/macosx.html ${resources} file copy -force -- ${workpath}/macosx/Welcome.html ${resources} file rename ${resources}/macosx.html ${resources}/ReadMe.html file delete -force -- ${resources}/Welcome.rtf } post-mpkg { set resources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.mpkg/Contents/Resources/ file copy -force -- ${workpath}/macosx/License.html ${resources} file copy -force -- ${workpath}/macosx/macosx.html ${resources} file copy -force -- ${workpath}/macosx/Welcome.html ${resources} file rename ${resources}/macosx.html ${resources}/ReadMe.html file delete -force -- ${resources}/Welcome.rtf } if {![variant_isset st]} { default_variants +mt } variant st conflicts mt description {Single-threaded} { configure.args-append --disable-mt } variant mt conflicts st description {Multi-threaded (default)} { configure.args-append --enable-mt } livecheck.check regexm livecheck.url ${homepage}dl-stable.html livecheck.regex "Gzipped tar file holding the sources for version (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)"