# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name fondu version 060102 platforms darwin categories print maintainers nomaintainer homepage http://fondu.sourceforge.net/ master_sites http://fondu.sourceforge.net/ description A set of programs to interconvert between Mac font \ formats and pfb, ttf, otf and bdf files on UNIX. long_description Dealing with Mac fonts is hard on other operating \ systems because Mac fonts are stored in the resource \ fork, and other operating systems do not support \ this concept. Fondu will extract the resource fork \ from either a MacBinary file or a BinHex file. Ufond \ will create a resource fork inside a MacBinary file. checksums md5 e20861beacddc1ab392bef7813641bf8 extract.suffix .tgz distfiles [suffix ${name}_src-${version}] post-patch { set CPPFLAGS "${configure.cppflags}" set CFLAGS "${configure.cflags}" set LDFLAGS "${configure.ldflags}" if {[variant_isset universal]} { set CPPFLAGS "${CPPFLAGS} ${configure.universal_cppflags}" set CFLAGS "${CFLAGS} ${configure.universal_cflags}" set LDFLAGS "${LDFLAGS} ${configure.universal_ldflags}" } reinplace "s|^CFLAGS = -g \$(WFLAGS)|CFLAGS = -g \$(WFLAGS) ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in } configure.args --bindir=${prefix}/bin \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man post-destroot { eval xinstall -m 644 [glob ${worksrcpath}/*.1] ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/ }