# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python25 1.0 categories-append graphics math name py25-matplotlib version 0.99.0 maintainers ram openmaintainer platforms darwin description matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python long_description Matplotlib is a pure python plotting library with the \ goal of making publication quality plots using a syntax \ familiar to matlab users. The library uses numpy for \ handling large data sets and supports a variety of \ output backends. This port provides variants for the \ different GUIs (gtk2, tkinter, wxpython). homepage http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net master_sites sourceforge:matplotlib distname matplotlib-${version} checksums md5 8e019e17396e816cc2ef52843532e727 \ sha1 5c267e96ecebe0654683b6325f423c53ae5ccd39 \ rmd160 e69f3d6c877e2854becf71a25e4ba56f2ced8735 depends_lib-append port:freetype \ port:libpng \ port:py25-dateutil \ port:py25-tz \ port:py25-numpy \ port:py25-configobj \ port:py25-pyobjc patchfiles patch-setupext.py.diff \ patch-setup.cfg.diff \ patch-disable_optional_deps.diff build.env MPLIB_BASE="${prefix}" post-patch { reinplace "s|@@MPORTS_PREFIX@@|${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/setupext.py } post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} CHANGELOG INSTALL \ INTERACTIVE KNOWN_BUGS README.txt TODO \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} file copy ${worksrcpath}/license \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} file copy ${worksrcpath}/examples \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} } post-activate { ui_msg "\nThe default backend is now the non-interactive Agg backend, different backends can be specified using the ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc file. More details, regarding backends, can be found in the matplotlib FAQ: \nhttp://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/faq/installing_faq.html#what-is-a-backend\n" } platform darwin 9 { depends_lib-delete port:py25-pyobjc depends_lib-append port:py25-pyobjc2 port:py25-pyobjc2-cocoa } variant cairo description "Enable Cairo backends" { depends_lib-append port:py25-cairo post-patch { reinplace "s|MP_Cairo=False|MP_Cairo=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setupext.py } } variant gtk2 description "Enable GTKAgg backend" { depends_lib-append port:py25-gtk post-patch { reinplace "s|^gtk=False|gtk=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setup.cfg reinplace "s|^gtkagg=False|gtkagg=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setup.cfg } } variant tkinter description "Enable tkAgg backend" { post-patch { reinplace "s|^tkagg=False|tkagg=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setup.cfg } } variant wxpython description "Enable wxAgg backend" { depends_lib-append port:py25-wxpython post-patch { reinplace "s|^wxagg=False|wxagg=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setup.cfg } } variant qt4 description "Enable QT4Agg backend" { depends_lib-append port:py25-pyqt4 post-patch { reinplace "s|MP_QT4=False|MP_QT4=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setupext.py } } variant latex description "Enable LaTeX support" { depends_lib-append port:texlive post-patch { reinplace "s|MP_LaTeX=False|MP_LaTeX=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setupext.py } } variant ghostscript description "Enable GhostScript support" { depends_lib-append port:ghostscript post-patch { reinplace "s|MP_GhostScript=False|MP_GhostScript=True|" ${worksrcpath}/setupext.py } } if { ![variant_isset gtk2] && ![variant_isset tkinter] && ![variant_isset wxpython] && ![variant_isset qt4] } { default_variants +tkinter } livecheck.check none