# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python26 1.0 name py26-hgsvn version 0.1.7 categories python devel platforms darwin maintainers snc openmaintainer homepage http://pypi.python.org/pypi/hgsvn description hgsvn is a set of scripts for Subversion and Mercurial long_description This set of scripts allows to work locally on \ Subversion-managed projects using the Mercurial \ distributed version control system. master_sites http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/h/hgsvn distname hgsvn-${version} checksums md5 aaa4ef4124ac388832cddc85c1866236 \ sha1 e53a631786a011569d7cfd6677d0bb7f681a9b15 \ rmd160 840f3c14461dbddf4ecbe4ac27053c18e2a56579 depends_lib-append port:py26-setuptools post-destroot { xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} AUTHORS.txt COPYING.txt README.txt TODO.txt \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} foreach bin [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${python.prefix}/bin *] { ln -s ${python.prefix}/bin/${bin} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${bin} } } livecheck.check regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex hgsvn (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)