# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name docbook-xml-5.0 version [lindex [split $name -] 2] categories textproc platforms darwin maintainers nox openmaintainer description Version $version of the DocBook XML DTDs long_description \ Version $version of the DocBook XML DTDs, which provide a structured,\ semantic markup format for books and documentation, especially for\ computer hardware and software. homepage http://www.docbook.org/xml/$version/ master_sites $homepage distname docbook-$version use_zip yes checksums md5 2411c19ed4fb141f3fa3d389fae40736 \ sha1 49f274e67efdee771300cba4da1f3e4bc00be1ec \ rmd160 3fc1b6a1c6f94b77223ad9139676d5b8d8f36786 depends_run port:xmlcatmgr use_configure no build {} set bookdir ${prefix}/share/xml/docbook/${version} destroot { xinstall -d $destroot[file dirname $bookdir] copy $worksrcpath $destroot$bookdir } post-activate { if {[catch {exec xmlcatmgr lookup $bookdir/catalog.xml}]} { system "xmlcatmgr add nextCatalog $bookdir/catalog.xml" } } universal_variant no livecheck.check none