# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mecab version 0.96 categories textproc japanese maintainers gmail.com:rsky0711 platforms darwin description MeCab is a yet another part-of-speech and morphological analyzer. long_description ${description} homepage http://mecab.sourceforge.net/ set dic_name mecab-ipadic set dic_version 2.7.0-20070610 set dictionary ${dic_name}-${dic_version} set charset euc-jp distfiles-append ${dictionary}${extract.suffix} master_sites sourceforge:mecab checksums \ ${distname}${extract.suffix} \ md5 baf018d9eae158571613d6918392fc17 \ sha1 a9dc9b0dd25287ee81fd16dc09066c3640e2ed11 \ rmd160 8032ff1cea3ee8201d4f32d540e45b277e8846e8 \ ${dictionary}${extract.suffix} \ md5 948f283cfcafbd562317c79df147da68 \ sha1 a79897d494b0dea4bc08d1da36134d9098a9bb6b \ rmd160 d402f7b4eef1b169e1d49810987e79314a572d29 depends_lib port:libiconv patchfiles patch-configure.diff configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} post-extract { # Makefile.in (dictionary) reinplace "s|@MECAB_DICT_INDEX@|${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/mecab/mecab-dict-index|g" \ ${workpath}/${dictionary}/Makefile.in } post-destroot { system "cd ${workpath}/${dictionary}; \ ./configure \ --with-mecab-config=${destroot}${prefix}/bin/mecab-config \ --with-charset=${charset} && \ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"${destroot}${prefix}/lib\" ${build.cmd} && \ ${destroot.cmd} install ${destroot.destdir}" } post-activate { system "ranlib ${prefix}/lib/libmecab.a" } platform darwin 7 { configure.env-append MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 } platform darwin 8 { configure.env-append MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 } variant sjis conflicts utf8 utf8only description {Set default dictionary encoding to Shift_JIS (default is EUC-JP)} { set charset shift_jis } variant utf8 conflicts sjis utf8only description {Set default dictionary encoding to UTF-8 (default is EUC-JP)} { set charset utf-8 } variant utf8only conflicts sjis utf8 description {Set default dictionary encoding to UTF-8 and build to UTF-8 only} { set charset utf-8 configure.args-append --enable-utf8-only }