# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name webkit-gtk version 1.1.10 revision 3 epoch 1 description Apple's WebKit HTML rendering library for GTK+ long_description ${description} maintainers gmail.com:myschizobuddy devans categories www gnome platforms darwin freebsd homepage http://webkitgtk.org/ master_sites ${homepage} distname webkit-${version} checksums md5 b852753b3e21f010f565312132f88311 \ sha1 8f0637c936b4f62fb21c8d0c35298e5c0317fd0a \ rmd160 c3d5a7b9793318d0fc9f4d170b7aeac7a6f30735 patchfiles patch-WebKitTools-DumpRenderTree-gtk-TestNetscapePlugin-TestNetscapePlugin.cpp.diff \ patch-purgable-buffer.diff depends_lib \ port:gtk2 \ port:libsoup \ port:icu \ port:libxslt \ port:sqlite3 \ port:enchant \ port:gst-plugins-base depends_build \ port:pkgconfig \ port:gtk-doc post-patch { reinplace "s|-licucore|-licui18n -licuuc|" ${worksrcpath}/configure } # # video is now enabled by default so make the variant no_video # variant no_video description {Disable HTML5 video support using gstreamer} { depends_lib-delete port:gst-plugins-base configure.args-append --disable-video } # # add new variant to support gnome_keyring # variant gnome_keyring description {Enable support for gnomekeyring} { depends_lib-append port:gnome-keyring configure.args-append --enable-gnomekeyring } # # variant to enable filter support which is disabled by default # was svg_filters previously but renamed to follow configure arg usage # variant filters description {Enable support for SVG filters (experimental)} { configure.args-append --enable-filters } # # include dummy variant to ease transition from svg_filters to filters # variant svg_filters requires filters description {Build with +filters if +svg_filters was previously installed} { } # # all svg support (except filters) is enabled by default # variant no_svg description {Disable all SVG support} { configure.args-append --disable-svg } livecheck.check regex livecheck.url http://webkitgtk.org/?page=download livecheck.regex "webkit-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"