# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name haskell-platform version 2009.2.0.2 categories devel haskell maintainers gwright description Meta port for the haskell platform long_description \ This is the the Haskell Platform: a single, standard Haskell \ distribution for every system. \ \ The Haskell Platform is a blessed library and tool suite for \ Haskell distilled from Hackage. platforms darwin homepage http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/ master_sites ${homepage} depends_run \ port:ghc \ port:hs-platform-cgi \ port:hs-platform-fgl \ port:hs-platform-editline \ port:hs-platform-GLUT \ port:hs-platform-haskell-src \ port:hs-platform-html \ port:hs-platform-HUnit \ port:hs-platform-mtl \ port:hs-platform-network \ port:hs-platform-OpenGL \ port:hs-platform-parallel \ port:hs-platform-parsec \ port:hs-platform-QuickCheck \ port:hs-platform-regex-base \ port:hs-platform-regex-compat \ port:hs-platform-regex-posix \ port:hs-platform-stm \ port:hs-platform-time \ port:hs-platform-xhtml \ port:hs-platform-zlib \ port:hs-platform-HTTP \ port:hs-platform-alex \ port:hs-platform-happy \ port:hs-platform-cabal fetch { } checksum { } build { } destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} system "echo ${long_description} > ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/README.txt" } use_configure no universal_variant no livecheck.type none