# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 PortGroup archcheck 1.0 name cairo conflicts cairo-devel set my_name cairo version 1.8.10 categories graphics maintainers ryandesign license LGPLv2.1/MPLv1.1 homepage http://cairographics.org/ master_sites ${homepage}releases/ platforms darwin macosx use_parallel_build yes dist_subdir ${my_name} distname ${my_name}-${version} description \ Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support. long_description \ Cairo is designed to produce identical output on all output media \ while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available \ (eg. through the X Render Extension). checksums \ md5 b60a82f405f9400bbfdcf850b1728d25 \ sha1 fd5e8ca82ff0e8542ea4c51612cad387f2a49df3 \ rmd160 9538baf30f812b950beeb93893f46d1223fb44ce depends_build \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib \ path:lib/pkgconfig/pixman-1.pc:libpixman \ port:xrender \ port:fontconfig \ port:freetype \ port:libpng \ port:zlib \ port:expat archcheck.files lib/libpixman-1.dylib \ lib/libXrender.dylib \ lib/libfontconfig.dylib \ lib/libfreetype.dylib \ lib/libpng.dylib \ lib/libz.dylib \ lib/libexpat.dylib pre-configure { if {"darwin" == ${os.platform} && 8 == ${os.major}} { set minimum_xcodeversion 2.4.1 set current_xcodeversion [exec defaults read /Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Info CFBundleShortVersionString] if {[rpm-vercomp ${current_xcodeversion} ${minimum_xcodeversion}] < 0} { ui_error "On Mac OS X ${macosx_version}, ${name} ${version} requires Xcode ${minimum_xcodeversion} or later but you have Xcode ${current_xcodeversion}." return -code error "incompatible Xcode version" } } set pixman_minimum_version 0.12.0 set pixman_installed_version [exec pkg-config pixman-1 --modversion] if {[rpm-vercomp ${pixman_installed_version} ${pixman_minimum_version}] < 0} { ui_error "${name} ${version} requires libpixman ${pixman_minimum_version} or later but you have libpixman ${pixman_installed_version}." return -code error "incompatible libpixman version" } } configure.args \ --disable-glitz \ --disable-quartz \ --disable-quartz-font \ --disable-quartz-image \ --disable-xcb \ --enable-ft \ --enable-pdf \ --enable-png \ --enable-ps \ --enable-svg \ --enable-xlib \ --enable-xlib-xrender \ --with-x \ --x-include=${prefix}/include \ --x-lib=${prefix}/lib variant glitz conflicts no_x11 description {Add glitz graphics interface} { depends_lib-append \ port:glitz archcheck.files-append lib/libglitz.dylib configure.args-delete \ --disable-glitz configure.args-append \ --enable-glitz } platform macosx {} if {([variant_isset macosx] || ([info exists os.subplatform] && ${os.subplatform} == "macosx"))} { variant quartz { configure.args-delete \ --disable-quartz \ --disable-quartz-font \ --disable-quartz-image configure.args-append \ --enable-quartz \ --enable-quartz-font \ --enable-quartz-image } } variant no_x11 conflicts glitz x11_xcb { depends_lib-delete \ port:xrender archcheck.files-delete lib/libXrender.dylib configure.args-delete \ --enable-xlib \ --enable-xlib-xrender \ --with-x configure.args-append \ --disable-xlib \ --disable-xlib-xrender \ --without-x } variant x11_xcb conflicts no_x11 description {Use libxcb for X11 protocol communication} { configure.args-delete --disable-xcb configure.args-append --enable-xcb depends_lib-append \ port:xorg-xcb-util archcheck.files-append lib/libxcb-render-util.dylib } test.run yes test.target check livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}news/ livecheck.regex ${my_name}-(\[0-9\]+\\.\[0-9\]*\[02468\]\\.\[0-9\]+)