# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name qmail-spamcontrol version 2.5.19 revision 0 categories mail maintainers yahoo.com:compconsultant platforms darwin description Qmail, enhanced Spamcontrol version long_description Robust, popular mail system. extract.mkdir yes universal_variant no variant relaymailfrom description {Relay based on sender email, not a good idea} {} variant noreqbrackets description {Do not require brackets in SMTP addresses} {} variant noverp description {Do not alow VERP addresses for recipients} {} variant moreipme description {Patch to account for certain NAT or load balance situations} {} variant bigtodo description {May make very large installations more efficient} {} homepage http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/spamcontrol.html master_sites http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/spamcontrol/:spamcontrol \ http://cr.yp.to/software/:qmail \ http://qmail.site2nd.org/:qmail \ http://qmail-mirror.jms1.net/:qmail \ http://www.qmail.org/:qmail \ distfiles qmail-1.03.tar.gz:qmail \ spamcontrol-2519_tgz.bin:spamcontrol \ checksums qmail-1.03.tar.gz \ md5 622f65f982e380dbe86e6574f3abcb7c \ sha1 18fb960481291a0503e93a94df3f6094edb7f27a \ rmd160 b851f273f1d365d38efd949b1efcf35768ffa30f \ spamcontrol-2519_tgz.bin \ md5 acca46cc48d8b5cfa9eb3de4d3fc90ad \ sha1 b259183cb9afd7a574ad598cb2399af5002226ec \ rmd160 8374835ade0656145ba15eded23c6f8ce0a1b936 \ worksrcdir qmail-1.03 patchfiles patch-dns.c.diff \ patch-strerr_sys.c.diff \ patch-qmail-lspawn.c.diff \ patch-qmail-rspawn.c.diff \ patch-qmail.c.diff \ patch-Makefile.diff configure.cflags -O2 -include /usr/include/errno.h -c build.target setup-patch destroot.cmd ./install-destroot pre-fetch { if {${os.platform} == "darwin" && ${os.major} == "6"} { return -code error "${name} requires Mac OS X 10.3 or newer." } } post-extract { # Merge Spamcontrol source with Qmail source foreach file [glob ${worksrcpath}/qmail-1.03/*] { file rename ${file} ${worksrcpath}/ } file delete ${worksrcpath}/qmail-1.03 # Create an install file to install into destroot since # destroot is not supported by qmail file copy ${worksrcpath}/conf-qmail ${worksrcpath}/conf-destroot reinplace "s|/var/qmail|${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/conf-destroot file copy ${worksrcpath}/install.c ${worksrcpath}/install-destroot.c # Change live install dir to reflect the prefix reinplace "s|/var/qmail|${prefix}/var/qmail|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/conf-qmail } pre-patch { # Apply Spamcontrol patches foreach file [glob ${worksrcpath}/*.patch] { system "patch -d ${worksrcpath} -p2 <${file}" } } post-patch { # Handle the variants, disable via source code define change foreach file [glob ${worksrcpath}/*c] { if {![variant_isset relaymailfrom]} { reinplace "s|^#define RELAYMAILFROM|\/* #define RELAYMAILFROM *\/|g" \ ${file} } if {[variant_isset noreqbrackets]} { reinplace "s|^#define REQBRACKETS|\/* #define REQBRACKETS *\/|g" \ ${file} } if {[variant_isset noverp]} { reinplace "s|^#define VERP|\/* #define VERP *\/|g" \ ${file} } if {![variant_isset moreipme]} { reinplace "s|^#define MOREIPME|\/* #define MOREIPME *\/|g" \ ${file} } if {![variant_isset bigtodo]} { reinplace "s|^#define BIGTODO|\/* #define BIGTODO *\/|g" \ ${file} } } } configure { # The qmail users and groups are required before compilation addgroup qmail gid=2107 addgroup nofiles gid=2108 adduser alias uid=7790 gid=[existsgroup nofiles] realname=Qmail-alias-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true adduser qmaild uid=7791 gid=[existsgroup nofiles] realname=Qmail-SMTP-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true adduser qmaill uid=7792 gid=[existsgroup nofiles] realname=Qmail-log-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true adduser qmailp uid=7793 gid=[existsgroup nofiles] realname=Qmail-password-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true adduser qmailq uid=7794 gid=[existsgroup qmail] realname=Qmail-queue-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true adduser qmailr uid=7795 gid=[existsgroup qmail] realname=Qmail-remote-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true adduser qmails uid=7796 gid=[existsgroup qmail] realname=Qmail-send-user home=${prefix}/var/qmail shell=/usr/bin/true } pre-destroot { # A whole lot of keepdirs, Qmail creates lots of required, empty directories destroot.keepdirs \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/qmail/smtpd \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/control \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/users \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/pid \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/bounce if {![variant_isset bigtodo]} { destroot.keepdirs-append \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/todo \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/intd } for {set i 0} {$i <= 22} {incr i} { destroot.keepdirs-append \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/info/${i} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/remote/${i} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/local/${i} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/mess/${i} if {[variant_isset bigtodo]} { destroot.keepdirs-append \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/todo/${i} \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/queue/intd/${i} } } } post-destroot { # Minimal requirements per Qmail install doc touch ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster touch ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon touch ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root # Create the log directories xinstall -d -o qmaill ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log/qmail/smtpd # Copy example files xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/samples xinstall -m 644 -W ${filespath} README.txt ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/samples foreach file {run qmailctl qmail-send-run qmail-send-log-run qmail-smtpd-run qmail-smtpd-log-run} { xinstall -W ${filespath} ${file}.in ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/samples/${file} reinplace "s%@PREFIX@%${prefix}%g" ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/samples/${file} } # Additional Spamcontrol files xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/scripts foreach file {qmail-alias2recipients qmail-users2recipients qmail-pwd2recipients qmail-vpopmail2recipients} { xinstall -W ${worksrcpath} ${file} ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/scripts } foreach file {conf-spamcontrol ucspi-ssl-0.70_ucspitls-0.4.patch_ clamav-0.90.1_output.patch_ Makefile.djbdns badmailfrom badmimetypes badloadertypes badrcptto INSTALL.spamcontrol HISTORY.spamcontrol FILES.spamcontrol LICENSE.spamcontrol TODO.spamcontrol LOGGING.spamcontrol SMTPREPLY.spamcontrol PROPOSAL.mav install_spamcontrol.sh} { xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} ${file} ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/doc } foreach file [glob -directory ${worksrcpath} README* RELEASE*] { xinstall -m 644 ${file} ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/doc } # User must run this xinstall -W ${worksrcpath} config-fast ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/scripts/config-fast # Per Qmail install doc xinstall ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/boot/home ${destroot}${prefix}/var/qmail/rc.sample } post-install { ui_msg "\n To control qmail, the daemontools and ucspi-tcp ports are highly recommended. A good reference for setting up qmail is http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ . This port includes some sample files based on the Life with Qmail web site. They can be found in ${prefix}/var/qmail/samples . Also look at http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/spamcontrol.html for further info. The fehcom site has docs for all the stuff added to the base qmail software. There are numerous configuration options to qmail. Please read all the docs! ****************************** NEW INSTALLS ONLY For now, you must run ${prefix}/var/qmail/scripts/config-fast your.domain.name to set up some files for your mail server. your.domain.name should point to this machine you are installing qmail on. ****************************** \n" } post-activate { # Remove the turd files, it is not know if they cause a problem but # people have recommended not having them there. system "cd ${prefix}/var/qmail; find . -name .turd_${name} -delete" } livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex {SPAMCONTROL\sVersion\s([0-9.]+)}