# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 perl5.setup Iterator 0.03 name p5-iterator version 0.03 maintainers tcnj.edu:hagedorn description An implementation of iterators long_description \ p5-Iterator provides a class that simplifies the \ creation and use of these iterator objects. Other \ p5-iterator modules provide many general-purpose \ and special-purpose iterator functions. homepage http://search.cpan.org/~roode/${distname}/ platforms darwin depends_lib-append port:p5-exception-class\ port:p5-devel-stacktrace\ port:p5-class-data-inheritable checksums md5 d59487c209c00a26e203c489dbe69b07\ sha1 f6745732dff8f9f76e91ab9f340b43a58daf468f\ rmd160 8f39f0d755b3a7255e861f93b0edde1e0076c3b9 if {[info exists supported_archs]} { supported_archs noarch } else { universal_variant no }