# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup perl5 1.0 perl5.setup Mail-SPF-Query 1.999.1 maintainers hostwizard.com:scott description Mail::SPF::Query - query Sender Policy Framework for an IP,email,helo long_description The SPF protocol relies on sender domains to describe \ their designated outbound mailers in DNS. Given an email \ address, Mail::SPF::Query determines the legitimacy of \ an SMTP client IP address. homepage http://search.cpan.org/~jmehnle/Mail-SPF-Query/ checksums md5 6d62d024d1614fa1fa4f43bd39ee7bf0 \ sha1 5b64085139ae05d5593793f21edcaa1c7867cbf9 \ rmd160 62686efa2302e8246c6e190dd37bc45363b27ead platforms darwin depends_lib port:p5-sys-hostname-long port:p5-net-dns \ port:p5-net-cidr-lite port:p5-uri if {[info exists supported_archs]} { supported_archs noarch } else { universal_variant no }