$Id$ = about MacPorts Ruby-GNOME2 ports == RUBY-GNOME2 Release contents and portfiles status * rb-glib2 Ruby/GLib2: GLib 2.0.x or later * rb-atk Ruby/ATK: ATK 1.0.x or later * rb-pango Ruby/Pango: Pango 1.1.x or later * rb-gtk2 Ruby/GdkPixbuf2: GTK+ 2.0.x or later * rb-gtk2 Ruby/GTK2: GTK+ 2.0.x or later rb-gtk2 contains gdkpixbuf2 and gtk2. * rb-gconf Ruby/GConf2: GConf 2.0.x or later * rb-libgnome Ruby/GNOME2: libgnome-2.0.x, libgnomeui-2.0.x or later * rb-gnomecanvas Ruby/GnomeCanvas2: libgnomecanvas-2.0.x or later * rb-gnomeprint Ruby/GnomePrint: libgnomeprint-2.8.x or later * rb-gnomeprintui Ruby/GnomePrintUI: libgnomeprintui-2.6.x or later * rb-gnomevfs Ruby/GnomeVFS: GnomeVFS 2.0.x or later * rb-gtkhtml Ruby/GtkHtml2: GtkHtml2 2.0.x or later * rb-gtkglext Ruby/GtkGLExt: GtkGLExt 1.0.3 or later * (NOT READY) Ruby/GtkMozEmbed: GtkMozEmbed (Mozilla 1.7.x or FireFox-1.0.x or later) * (NOT SUPPORT) Ruby/GtkSourceView: GtkSourceView 1.0.1 or later * rb-libart Ruby/Libart2: libart_lgpl 2.3.12 or later * rb-libglade2 Ruby/Libglade2: Libglade 2.0.x or later * rb-rsvg Ruby/RSVG: librsvg 2.8.0 or later * rb-poppler Ruby/Poppler is a Ruby binding of poppler-glib. GtkMozEmbed is not found in official ports. Ruby/GtkSourceView is binding for GtkSourceView 1.0.x. the latest version of port:gtksourceview is 1.8.5. === Experimental / Incomplete: * rb-gstreamer Ruby/GStreamer: GStreamer 0.10.x or later * rb-gtksourceview2 Ruby/GtkSourceView2: GtkSourceView 2.0.0 or later * (NOT READY) Ruby/GooCanvas: GooCanvas 0.8.0 or later === Depricated * (N/A) Ruby/Libgda: libgda 1.0.3 or later * (N/A) Ruby/PanelApplet: gnome-panel 2.6.0 or later (deprecated since 0.16.0)