# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name gnome version 2.30.2 categories gnome platforms darwin maintainers devans openmaintainer description The GNOME Desktop mega-port. long_description GNOME is a complete, free and easy-to-use desktop environment for users, \ as well as a powerful application development framework for software developers. \ This port includes the GNOME desktop, GNOME platform, and, optionally GNOME \ office and graphics applictions, GNOME administration applications, \ bindings for C++, Python and Perl and a set of GNOME developer tools. homepage http://www.gnome.org/ master_sites depends_lib port:gnome-platform-suite \ port:gnome-desktop-suite distfiles use_configure no build { } destroot { file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc system "echo ${long_description} > ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/README.${name}.txt" } post-activate { system "${prefix}/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t ${prefix}/share/icons/hicolor" system "${prefix}/bin/scrollkeeper-update; true" system "${prefix}/bin/update-desktop-database -q ${prefix}/share/applications; true" system "${prefix}/bin/update-mime-database ${prefix}/share/mime; true" system "export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source` && \ gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule ${prefix}/etc/gconf/schemas/*.schemas" } notes " To start gnome, create a file called ~/.xinitrc.d/99-gnome.sh which contains this line: USERWM=${prefix}/bin/gnome-session See also http://trac.macports.org/wiki/GNOME for instructions and examples Make sure you do not have a custom ~/.xinitrc file, or you can run into problems. " variant office description {Include GNOME office applications} { depends_lib-append port:gnumeric \ port:abiword-x11 \ port:dia \ port:planner } variant graphics description {Include GNOME graphics applications} { depends_lib-append path:bin/inkscape:inkscape \ port:gimp } variant bindings description {Include GNOME bindings suite for C++, perl and python} { depends_lib-append port:gnome-bindings-suite } variant tools description {Include GNOME developer tools} { depends_lib-append port:gnome-developer-tools } variant admin description {Include GNOME admin tools} { depends_lib-append port:pessulus } livecheck.type none