# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name ocaml-pcre version 6.2.2 revision 2 categories devel ml maintainers landonf openmaintainer license LGPL-2.1 description Perl compatibility regular expressions for OCaml long_description This OCaml-library interfaces the PCRE (Perl-compatibility regular \ expressions) library which is written in C. it can be used for matching \ regular expressions which are written in PERL-style. Searching for, replacing \ or splitting text should become much easier with this library. homepage http://www.ocaml.info/home/ocaml_sources.html platforms darwin master_sites http://www.ocaml.info/ocaml_sources/ checksums md5 8207be524031a96638078ae9fbe4c5c8 \ sha1 4d1844efbf1d20fb11a47b9b965b35176b40ebc7 \ rmd160 836c495d291b7ca85f2c62f93ef78f08d54de310 distname pcre-ocaml-${version} livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex {>pcre-ocaml-release-(.*)\.tar\.bz2} depends_lib port:ocaml port:ocaml-findlib port:pcre patchfiles patch-OCamlMakefile patch-Makefile.conf use_configure no use_parallel_build no proc ocamlfind_destdir {} { # only bother calculating this darn thing once variable ocamlfind_destdir {} variable destroot variable prefix if {![string length $ocamlfind_destdir]} { set ocamlfind_destdir ${destroot}[exec ${prefix}/bin/ocamlfind printconf destdir] } return $ocamlfind_destdir } pre-build { reinplace "s|##OCAMLFIND_INSTFLAGS##|-destdir '[ocamlfind_destdir]' -metadir ''|" ${worksrcpath}/OCamlMakefile reinplace "s|##PREFIX##|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.conf } build.env-append CC=${configure.cc} pre-destroot { file mkdir "[ocamlfind_destdir]/stublibs" } post-destroot { # install the doc/examples dirs if we built them if {[variant_isset doc]} then { file copy ${worksrcpath}/lib/doc/pcre [ocamlfind_destdir]/pcre/pcre-doc } if {[variant_isset examples]} then { file copy ${worksrcpath}/examples [ocamlfind_destdir]/pcre/pcre-examples } } variant doc description "Include documentation (requires TeX and Ghostscript)" { build.target-append doc depends_lib-append port:ghostscript bin:tex:texlive } variant examples description "Build examples" { build.target-append examples }