# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name oilwar version 1.2.1 categories games platforms darwin maintainers nomaintainer description protect your oil from the evil invading army long_description Evil army is attacking your country and tries to steal \ your oil. Your mission is to waste the invaders, \ protect the oil and save your mother land. homepage http://www.2ndpoint.fi/projektit/oilwar.html master_sites http://www.2ndpoint.fi/projektit/filut/ freebsd distname OilWar-${version} checksums md5 6286e7f5a5f4f8ce6489a996b188caa2 depends_lib bin:sdl-config:libsdl \ lib:libSDL_image:libsdl_image \ lib:libSDl_mixer:libsdl_mixer configure.args --disable-sdltest post-configure { reinplace "s|scorefiledir = /var/games|scorefiledir = ${prefix}/var/games|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile }