# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name windowmaker version 0.92.0 revision 5 license GPL-2+ maintainers nomaintainer categories x11 x11-wm platforms darwin freebsd homepage http://www.windowmaker.info/ description Window Maker is a X11 window manager supporting GNUstep long_description \ Window Maker is an X11 window manager originally designed to provide \ integration support for the GNUstep Desktop Environment. \ In every way possible, it reproduces the elegant look and feel \ of the NEXTSTEP\[tm\] user interface. \ It is fast, feature rich, easy to configure, and easy to use. \ It is also free software, with contributions being made \ by programmers from around the world. master_sites \ ftp://ftp.windowmaker.info/pub/source/release/ \ ftp://ftp.goldweb.com.au/pub/WindowMaker/source/release/ \ ftp://ftp.kddlabs.co.jp/X11/window_managers/windowmaker/source/release/ \ ftp://ftp.ameth.org/pub/mirrors/ftp.windowmaker.org/source/release/ \ ftp://ftp.minet.net/pub/windowmaker/source/release/ \ ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/hci/windowmaker/source/release/ \ ftp://ftp.dti.ad.jp/pub/X/WindowMaker/source/release/ \ ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/X11/windowmanagers/windowmaker/source/release/ distname WindowMaker-${version} checksums md5 aaac5421b686ed2d3e6ab65229c98097 use_bzip2 yes universal_variant no destroot.violate_mtree yes depends_build \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib \ port:xorg-libsm \ port:xorg-libXext \ port:Xft2 \ port:xpm \ port:libpng \ port:gettext \ path:include/gif_lib.h:giflib \ port:tiff post-patch { set fl [glob -directory ${worksrcpath} WindowMaker/*menu*] lappend fl ${worksrcpath}/WindowMaker/Defaults/WindowMaker.in \ ${worksrcpath}/WPrefs.app/Menu.c ${worksrcpath}/WPrefs.app/Paths.c foreach i $fl { reinplace "s|/usr/X11R6/share|${prefix}/share|g" $i reinplace "s|/usr/share|${prefix}/share|g" $i reinplace "s|/usr/local/share|${prefix}/share|g" $i reinplace "s|/opt/share|${prefix}/share|g" $i reinplace "s|/opt/kde2/share|${prefix}/share|g" $i } } configure.env LINGUAS="bg cs da de el es et fi fr gl hr hu it ja \ ko ms nl no pl pt ro ru sk sv tr zh_CN" \ LIBS="-L${prefix}/lib -lintl -lX11" configure.args --disable-debug --enable-gnome \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --with-nlsdir=${prefix}/share/locale \ --with-gnustepdir=${prefix}/GNUstep/Local variant candy description "Enable various eye-candy options" { post-configure { reinplace "s|undef OPTIMIZE_SHAPE|define OPTIMIZE_SHAPE|" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/wconfig.h reinplace "s|undef ICON_KABOOM_EXTRA|define ICON_KABOOM_EXTRA|" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/wconfig.h reinplace "s|undef WINDOW_BIRTH_ZOOM2|define WINDOW_BIRTH_ZOOM2|" \ ${worksrcpath}/src/wconfig.h } } platform darwin i386 { post-patch { reinplace "s|#define ASM_X86 1||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure reinplace "s|#define ASM_X86_MMX 1||g" ${worksrcpath}/configure reinplace "s|asm_support=yes|asm_support=no|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure reinplace "s|mmx_support=yes|mmx_support=no|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure } }